Twilight was born a unicorn, and was inspired from a young age to learn magic after witnessing Princess Celestia raise the sun at the Summer Sun Celebration. In Party Pooped, Twilight displays an irrational fear of quesadillas. Twilight tends to be skeptical of unproven claims, such as her friends' belief that Zecora is an evil enchantress in Bridle Gossip, and Pinkie's "Pinkie Sense" in Feeling Pinkie Keen. In The Crystal Empire - Part 1, she shows a desperate desire to pass a test that Celestia gives her. In Lesson Zero, Twilight goes crazy in her attempt to write to Celestia about a friendship problem, to the point of deciding to create a problem herself. In Swarm of the Century, she hysterically suggests building a replica of Ponyville in less than a minute before Princess Celestia can see the damage done by the parasprite infestation. However, Twilight can lose her cool under stress. During the investigation in MMMystery on the Friendship Express, Twilight tells Pinkie Pie to stop making wild accusations, and they work together to find clues and solve the mystery. Twilight tries to be rational in unfamiliar situations. She is also very knowledgeable about Equestria's history, as seen in such episodes as Luna Eclipsed and Testing Testing 1, 2, 3. For example, she confidently joins a marathon after reading several books about running in Fall Weather Friends. Even after Twilight becomes good friends with the rest of the main characters, she continues to read and consult books.

In Friendship is Magic, part 1, Twinkleshine says Twilight is more interested in books than friends. Minuette and Twilight compare Moon Dancer's behavior to the way Twilight used to act. She succeeds with Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Minuette, but Moon Dancer coldly rebuffs the four mares. In Amending Fences, Twilight returns to Canterlot in an attempt to apologize to her former friends for her past actions.
#Twilight sparkle cast magic missile series
Over the course of the series premiere, however, Twilight comes to accept her new friendships and expresses a desire to stay with her new friends in Ponyville. She politely refuses an invitation to Moon Dancer's get-together and later states that she and Spike "don't have time for that sort of thing." When Princess Celestia tells to oversee the arrangements of the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville and to try and make friends, Twilight is indifferent to the latter request. Twilight is first introduced in the series as being asocial. After being sent to Ponyville by Celestia on a assignment of overseeing the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration During her childhood and adolescence living in Canterlot, Twilight started off as a bit of a loner, valuing schoolwork and education over friendship and social participation, which led to many disappointment from her acquaintances (save for Spike) when they attempted to invite her to join social gatherings and parties, or generally to have fun. She is also is extremely organized, having Spike look over her daily checklists three times over. She holds a very high sense of responsibility (almost bordering on OCD) and values hard work and eduction. Twilight is by default a kind and sweet girl, but is very strict and orderly. Upon her ascension into an alicorn, Twilight gained wings on her back.

She has a moderately-sized horn, which grew in width when she ascended to an alicorn. She also has has violet irises and prominent eyelashes, and also, occasionally, thicker eyebrows. Twilight is a unicorn (later alicorn) with lavender fur and a indigo-colored mane and tail, stylized with rim cuts, and also has two lighter-purple and magenta stripes running down both.